Hirata-ji Temple is a temple 10 km north of Nagoya Station. We do various activities as a place where everyone can feel free to gather, learn, and support each other. The Kuroike Ryujin is the object of faith as a defender of the community. Please feel free to consult with us on eternal service, funeral, prayer, etc.

The daily life of the temple

Toward Obon 2

And today, if you have an inquiry about ash work, please email us by e-mail or phone yumikoon@gmail.com(Hasegawa)Electronic 0568-48-6806(Hirata Temple)#Aichi #aichi #北名古屋 #曹洞宗 #寺 #北名古屋市 #平田寺 #名古屋 #temple #japan #temples #懐かしい未来のお寺 #お盆準備 #お寺のお盆 #灰作務websitehttps://heidenji.jpinstagramhttps://www.instagram.com/heidenji_temple/facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/heidenjiTwitterhttps://twitter.com/heidenji other photos and videos are posted on Instagram and Facebook, so please take a look there as well. Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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1 for Obon

Last month, with the cooperation of Mr. Danke, there was a cleaning before the Obon festival and a general meeting of the summer guardian association. The temple is supported by various people in this way. For inquiries, please email or phone yumikoon@gmail.com(Hasegawa)Electronic 0568-48-6806(Hirata Temple)#Aichi #aichi #北名古屋 #曹洞宗 #寺 #北名古屋市 #平田寺 #名古屋 #temple #japan #temples #懐かしい未来のお寺 #お盆準備 #お寺のお盆websitehttps://heidenji.jpinstagramhttps://www.instagram.com/heidenji_temple/facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/heidenjiTwitterhttps://twitter.com/heidenji other photos and videos are posted on Instagram and Facebook, so please take a look there as well. Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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Usual Saturday

Today is Japan dance practice day. In the next room, Dr. Mizutani's manipulative condition. Outside soybean degranulation work Voice training in the evening. It was a lively but calm day. ・ Please click the link in your profile to the Hirataji website. https://heidenji.jp/74403/ #愛知 #aichi #北名古屋 #曹洞宗 #寺 #北名古屋市 #平田寺…

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Title avoidance

Today, at the beginning of winter, we paid a prayer to the honor of the indigenous people (thirteen times). And tomorrow is Onda's gathering. There is a children's cafeteria and a talk by Mr. Masaru Yamada. We look forward to your visit. https://www.heidenji.jp/74403/2020/11/01/恩田の集いのご案内-2/ please click the link in your profile to the Hirataji website. I write about the days of the temple on the page of every day. https://heidenji.jp#Aichi #aichi #北名古屋 #曹洞宗 #寺 #北名古屋市 #平田寺 #名古屋 #temple #japan #temples #懐かしい未来のお寺 #恩田の集い #黒池龍神 #山田征 #こども食堂Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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The first bon visit

8Since I could not visit the shrine on the day of the Moon Bon Hunger Party, I gave the Sutra of the First Bon one month late. Hatsubon is also called Shinbon (新盆) and is the first bon to be celebrated after death. It is a special tray where the deceased returns to his hometown for the first time after becoming a Buddha. I lost my sister when I was a student, and I once dreamed that she came home with her usual smile on the day of the first bon, and I couldn't distinguish it from reality. I still remember that smile so clearly that I believe that the deceased really comes back to the Obon festival. Please follow the link in your profile to the Hirataji website. https://heidenji.jp/74403/ #愛知 #aichi #北名古屋 #曹洞宗 #寺…

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The End of Obon

お寺では盆明けの今の時期が 一番のんびりとした空気が流れます。それもそろそろ終盤。今日は日本舞踊のお稽古がありました。来週からは早朝坐禅会も再開します。ブログなども ぼちぼち動き出しますね。今年は社会全体の時の流れが通常とは違っていて、学校の夏休みも変則的で何となく落ち着きませんが、今回のことを通して見えてきたものもたくさんあるような気がしています。これを好機にして世界が少しずつでもいい方向に向くように 一人一人が小さな船の舵取りをしていくような気持で暮らし方を見直していけるといいなと思っています。自分の頭で考えて責任を持って行動する。そんな当たり前のことが とても大切になってきているのではないかと思います。自分の足でしっかりと立ち、困ったとき、苦しい時は、知恵を力を分かち合いながら懐かしい未来へ向けて歩んでいきましょう。#仏教 #愛知 #aichi #北名古屋 #曹洞宗 #寺 #北名古屋市 #平田寺 #名古屋 #temple #japan #temples #懐かしい未来のお寺プロフィールのリンクから平田寺のウェブサイトへどうぞ。日々是好日のページにお寺の日々を綴っています。https://heidenji.jp/74403/Language this page was automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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Summer Cleaning and Protection Party

Last Sunday, I cleaned with the help of Danke. The temple is supported by everyone in various situations. Preparations for the Obon festival are starting little by little. Kaku Please click the link in your profile to the Hirataji website. https://heidenji.jp/74403/ #夏のお掃除 #作務 #寺仕事 #愛知 #aichi #北名古屋 #曹洞宗 #寺 #北名古屋市 #平田寺 #名古屋 #temple #japan…

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Water lilies

Perhaps because of the cloudy sky, it looks much duller than the actual color, but this year, an orange water lily that blooms only once every few years bloomed. Water lilies are sleeping flowers. In the evening, they close their petals and hide themselves as if they were hiding themselves. #お寺の景色 #龍神池 #睡蓮 #眠る花 #愛知 #aichi #北名古屋 #曹洞宗 #寺 #北名古屋市 #平田寺 #名古屋 #temple #japan #temples #懐かしい未来のお寺…

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Small customers

There are various customers at the temple. As I watched the young ladies play while chatting in a whisper, I remember when my daughters were little. The breeze blowing in through the window is pleasant. #お寺のリビング #お寺の日常 #お寺の景色 #小さなお客さま #姉妹 #愛知 #aichi #北名古屋 #曹洞宗 #寺 #北名古屋市 #平田寺 #名古屋 #temple #japan #temples #懐かしい未来のお寺Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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Today's Jo

On the calendar, it's a four-day holiday from today. When you live in a temple, you don't feel like it's weekends or holidays. Today, the time is the same as usual, except that all the daughters are at home. Hojo did zazen, worked in the morning, and ate breakfast. Hojo, today is a day off from the moon, so it's work time. I work outside the office in the morning. #草刈り #住職 #方丈 #作務 #Daily life in temples#Aichi #aichi #北名古屋 #曹洞宗 #寺 #北名古屋市 #平田寺 #名古屋 #temple #japan #temples #懐かしい未来のお寺 #庭仕事Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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